Monday, March 23, 2015

Caroline's Birthday!

Aaaah, I can't believe it's been over a month since I've written…. life has been BUSY, and yet, I don't feel like anything exciting has been happening.  We've kind of been hunkering down the past couple months.  You know your weekends aren't very exciting when your kids have dubbed Saturday "Star Wars Day" because that's the day they get to watch Star Wars with Dad.  It's their latest fetish and you can only imagine how onboard Ben is with the whole thing. But now with warmer weather and longer days ahead, I will be shooing us out of the things should be more interesting around here!!!  The most exciting thing on the horizon is my mother is coming in a few weeks and we will be taking a road trip to Tuscany!  Can't wait!

So, tonight I write about Caroline's birthday. 

 I am quite sure that never in the history of the world has another little girl looked forward with as much anticipation to her birthday as Caroline has…
she's pretty much been counting down the days since December 26.
And I can't tell you how RELIEVED I am it's over! 

We did a little family celebration last Sunday here at the house.  
She insisted on "wall-to-wall decorations" (she read that term in a Berenstain Bear's book and has not forgotten it).  So, Em and I spent an hour decorating while C very impatiently waited in her bedroom.
"Mom!  I'm ready for my partyyyy!"
"Mom!!  I'm ready to come ouuuuut!!!"

Unfortunately, this is the best picture I have of our decorating job… 

Thinking of a wish:

Blowing out the candle on her cookies… because why would you have a cake?

Her favorite gift is her "Brave" bow and arrow set.  She's hilarious with it.  I'll be sitting at the kitchen table and all of a sudden an arrow will come sailing into the room from nowhere.

The other night Ben hit into the chair as he was clearing the table so Caroline decided it was time the chair learned its lesson.  Here she is shooting it at point blank range.

A few days later we hosted a Frozen themed friend birthday party.  Oh my.  I don't know if we'll ever do a party on this scale again.  She invited SIXTEEN kids, and ALL of them came, plus their siblings since it was a school day which meant no dads were around.  I didn't mean for it to be this supersonic.  The problem is that this base has a lot of four year olds, and Miss Personality over here is friends with all of them… the guest list just couldn't be trimmed back…   So, we just went for the gold… go big or go home, right?

We held it at the Community Center, which has a great set up. 

The "ice blocks" are missing.  They were supposed to be blue jello cubes.  Except they were green because I couldn't find blue.  And they were not cubes, they were blobs.  So, I just gave up. 
My artistic friend made the labels, aren't they cute?

Diego was a tad off… 

They built snowmen out of marshmallows, pretzels, mini chocolate chips, and toothpicks.  The kid on the right here is pretty proud of his mutant creation

The moms jumped in and helped make everything run smoothly

James just kind of roamed the party, trying to fly under the radar

We played this elimination game similar to musical chairs, where they all danced around to Frozen music and then jumped on a plate… in theory it would work well with maybe 8-10 kids.  We had 24 playing, so it was kinda crazy.  I was just happy we had beautiful weather.  It's not often we have nice weather on March 16!

The piñata of course was the biggest hit (no pun intended, hehe). 

All 25 kids just lined up single file to take a whack at it. 

Then the stampede for the candy
Cake and ice cream:

And that's how it's done!
As we were sweeping up the last of the cake crumbs Emily asked if she could go home and start making her bday invitations.  
Shoot me now.