In May our family had the opportunity to travel to Israel where sweet Emily Jane was baptized a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints by her father in the Jordan River.
It was Ben's idea.
For months leading up to Emily's 8th birthday (Eight is the age in the LDS church when children are baptized) he had expressed the desire to travel to Israel to perform this special ordinance for her. Since he worked on the Israel desk for three years and had traveled there a number of times, this place had become near and dear to his heart. And obviously, baptizing her in the same location as Jesus Christ was baptized added special significance.
At first I wasn't too jazzed about the idea… the expense, time, and the fact that I was going to be seven months pregnant during the hot month of May just didn't appeal to me. Plus we had already been there. Why not baptize her in Utah this summer, when all her cousins and grandparents could attend? But Ben was persistent and since he's always been such a great sport to go along with my ideas, I couldn't really stand in the way of something he really wanted to do.
So he made it happen.
And now as I sit on the couch in my mom's basement in Orem, UT it seems surreal to me that we actually did this. I'm so glad we did. It was such a beautiful and unique experience.
Both his parents and my mom were able to travel with us where we spent ten fabulous days in the Holy Land. Even though our little family had traveled there two years earlier, this trip felt like a completely different one… we were able to see and experience things we hadn't before.
Anyway, I hope to blog more about the trip later, but I did just want to post about the baptism.
Since the LDS church has a very tentative presence in Israel, Ben had to go about getting special permission to perform this ordinance. The LDS church has an agreement with the Israeli government, that even though the church owns property and has a study center in Jerusalem, they will not proselyte or do anything to openly display our religion. Ben was able to work with the church leadership at the Jerusalem Center in order to get the necessary paperwork and permission needed to do this. Fortunately, I knew a member of the branch presidency, Dave Heiner, who is serving as a volunteer with his wife Chris at the Jerusalem Center. Ben was able to work with Dave in making all the necessary preparations. So cool that we had that personal connection.
Dave and Chris used to live on our street in Price, UT. My parents go back with them over thirty years, and I was close friends with their daughter Kelsey. We were so glad that they were able to attend the baptism… Dave presided and also served as a witness along with Grandpa.
From what I understand, there are two designated baptismal sites along the Jordan River. We went to the one in the Dead Sea region.
We arrived at site at 9:30 in the morning and it was already hot, Hot, HOT. The site was peppered with a few tourist groups as well as the foreboding presence of security forces patrolling the area with guns… just across the river is the country Jordan. I was worried that there would be too many tourists, but the larger groups left and we had a slight lull before more tour buses arrived… we found a quiet, shaded pavilion that overlooked the site where we had a short service.
I loved the spirit during the service… Mom and Nancy gave great talks, and then everyone else ended up sharing their testimonies and feelings… it was very special.
Chris talked about what a unique experience this was for Emily and the only other baptism they had attended at this site was of a boy who was from Palestinian controlled Bethlehem. She spoke of the dichotomy of such a sacred beautiful site having the off-putting presence of armed police forces patrolling the area since Jordan was literally a stone's throw away. She mentioned that the river is much smaller today then it was when Christ was baptized in it.
Dave talked about the geography and climate of the country, and how Jesus must have been a very physical, strong man to have traveled so many miles on foot to the various places of his ministry. He also spoke very highly and tenderly of my father, who he knew very well. I was so happy he remembered him. I know he was there in spirit.
Nancy shared an experience of when the Holy Ghost helped her show some compassion and love for a classmate in the 3rd grade who didn't have many friends. She's so sweet.
Ben, Pat, Mom all shared great testimonies, and I shared mine last, expressing how full my heart was and for my love of Emily, my family, and the Savior.
It really was such an awesome experience.
The actual ordinance was beautiful. I got teary eyed as I watched her be immersed in the water and then up out of the water with a huge smile on her face. She said, "I want to do it again!"

Dave and Chris Heiner |
Why don't I have any pictures of Pat and Nancy?? Pat, if you have any, will you send them to me??
And just a few meters from the site... a stark reminder of the conflict that is part of this country's history...