I just finished reading Cannery Row by John Steinbeck. We've recently been on a kick of reading books unique to the area where we live. Like when I read Michener's Poland in, yes, Poland. And like when I was a bit of an eager beaver a couple months ago and read Julia Child's memoir, My Life in Paris, hoping against all odds that we were destined for Paris. Sigh. So, now I just read Cannery Row because John Steinbeck is from Salinas, just up the road from here, and many of his novels, including Cannery Row, are set in these here environs.
So, anyway, I loved it! It's a great read, pretty fast. It's full of humor and irony and wonderful, real, earnest characters. And it was fun for me because Cannery Row is in Monterey and he mentioned all sorts of places that I'm now familiar with like Point Lobos, Alvarado Street, and Carmel Valley. He talked about the tide pools and he even devoted a whole chapter to the blasted gophers... CURSE THEM!!! (There is one who is currently tearing up our entire backyard.) But even if you don't live here, it's still a great read and I'm really into John Steinbeck right now.
Next year it'll be Dracula :)
The girls at the Steinbeck Center in Salinas a few weeks ago. (Their eyes look jacked up because I was trying to correct the red-eye.) |
John Steinbeck's home in Salinas. It's obviously been restored. They have a little restaurant in there. |
And just some random pics for kicks. These are a bit dated, taken some time last fall, but I just recently came across them. The girls after getting their curlers out.
And my favorite recent quotes:
Emily to Caroline who was in her bedroom: "Get out of here!"
Me: Hey, that's not a nice way to talk to your sister. Can you think of a nicer way to say get out of here?
Emily: Get out of here PLEASE!
Me to Emily as we are playing outside: Hurry and run inside and go to the bathroom!
Emily (very concerned and alarmed): I can't! If I leave the wind will blow away my tricycle! (it has been pretty windy lately).
Emily to Caroline as she nudges her off the piano bench: Ouch Caroline! Judas! (Her father is beginning to rub off on her.)