Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Strolling Along...

Today we shed our coats and went for a walk.  It was quite lovely.  This first week of March the temps have been in the 50s, which is such a drastic change from the 30s we've been experiencing since we got here.  

 These vineyards are right outside the gate where we live.  Of course they're bare now, but I hear they are quite lovely in the summer.  They cover the entire hillside and there are tons of walking paths that weave in and out of them.  The Germans take their walking serious, which I love.  

The girls did awesome on our little walk, which is reassuring since I have big plans for us to hike in the Alps!! (I'm envisioning the closing scene of The Sound of Music.  Big hopes!)  But today was one of those days when I was completely content to be a stay-at-home-mom with these two little ones.  They enjoyed every aspect of the walk chattering excitedly about the chirping of the birds, the butterflies fluttering nearby, the color of the sky, the dead weeds they kept crouching next to to smell, the rocks, the river down below, and the trains that they saw winding through the city.  It felt so good to be outside with them.

There were spectacular views of the city, which my poor photo taking abilities can never quite capture, but you get the idea.

I told them to smile and this is as good as it gets!  

1 comment:

  1. Your blog is awesome Marinda! Glad you guys are getting some good weather. We just got another 6 inches of snow! I hope we get stationed out in Germany for a while (don't tell Wendy!). It looks gorgeous!
