Sunday, April 14, 2013


Just a few little snippets of recent happenings:

Em's first haircut in a German salon:

It's always a little nerve racking getting your hair done in a foreign country and only being able to communicate what you want by using hand gestures.  But, the stylist did great.

The girls are in gymnastics (don't ask me what routine this is) but they are loving it.  Em is the tallest in the class, and C is by far the tiniest.  

We went to an Easter Market back in March...  the artists use real egg shells, drain the inside, and hand paint amazing intricate designs on the outside.  Then they hang them from an Easter tree.  They aren't cheap!  I bought just a few and of course C broke three of them within the next couple days.  Even when I thought I had put them out of reach.  Probably won't ever buy again, but they sure are beautiful to look at.  

And the girls laughing hysterically as I show them how to count to ten in German.  Caroline especially finds the deep throat gargle sound made to pronounce drei (three) and acht (eight) hilarious.   

A couple funny quotes around our parts as of late:

As the girls are eating lunch:
C:  Emily?  What's the capital of Romania?
Em:  (As she chows down on her sandwich)  Bucharest.  The 'h' is silent.

A conversation I overheard between Ben and Em:
Em:  Daddy, who's your favorite princess?
Ben:  Hmmmm.... I don't know.  It's not Pocahontas.  Her armpits are too hairy.  

Next week we go to Holland to see the tulips!  The weather has been so cold and miserable, hopefully there's actually some in bloom.  Stay posted!! 


  1. Do they teachers speak any English in the gymnastics class or are your girls just able to follow body language and stuff? I gotta know how this works, ok?

    By the way, I loved your last post. I never knew you had a knack for decorating. That yellow paint makes me happy.

    1. What? You don't remember our apt. room? Garbage on the bed? That's where I got my start. And the gymnastics is here on base, so everyone speaks English :)

  2. Adorable video! Makes my miss them. And it is Dan Ormsby who always seeks me out to tell me that he doesn't read my blog. Figures, right?
