Ben went to Turkey. A very interesting place, with very interesting spinning dancers. Ben said this guy just twirled around in the same position forever.
Ben went to as many events as he could. Here are some men who fought in the uprising, including a general in the Polish army (third from left) who at the time was a captain.
Ben met this guy who was SO INTERESTING. He's Polish, at the age of 8, was put in a Siberian prison camp when the Soviets invaded in 1941, served two years, was granted amnesty when the Soviets switched to the allied camp, and as he was totally displaced from his family, he made his way down to all the -stan countries, and joined up with General Anders' army (AT THE AGE OF 10!!) who served under Patton in North Africa. He emigrated to the USA and served in our army in the Korean War where he sustained injuries and had to be medically discharged.
The Polish military cemetery is SO BEAUTIFUL and amazing. It was all lit up with candles and adorned with flags and flowers for the anniversary
Me in my cheesy red and white (Poland's colors)

That night we went to another ceremony and you have to keep reading...
I wish I had a better picture of this couple, but we met them at this ceremony and they were so interesting. As a young man, he fought in the uprising, was captured and served time in a Gestapo prison in Krakow, ESCAPED the day before executions, and when the war was over bribed a Soviet colonel to let him flee into West Germany, from where he was able to emigrate to the states in 1947 where he's lived ever since. If that's not crazy enough, his wife (also Polish-American) is a World Trade Center survivor. She was at the WTC in 1993 when it was bombed AND in 2001. She was working on the 82nd floor in the North tower when the plane hit just a few floors above her. She was able to escape down the stairwell until she reached the 20th floor where her strength failed her and she basically gave out. Two men dragged her down the rest of the way and got her out of the building. At that point, the south tower collapsed and she nearly suffocated to death from all the dust and debris. She said at that point she "resigned herself to death" but somehow survived the whole thing to live to tell about it.