Sunday, September 25, 2011

On our way!

After spending six lovely weeks at my mom's, it was finally time for us to head to our newest adventure... Monterey, CA! Ben will be attending the Naval Postgraduate School.

A lot of people asked me why I was making the long 14 hour road trip road trip, why didn't I just fly with the girls to make our lives easier? And it's true that it would have been easier, but there was a part of me that wanted to experience a long and adventurous road trip with the whole family together. Call me crazy. I mean, aren't so many of your childhood memories (for better or for worse) being stuck in the car with the fam off to some grand destination? Plus, one thing I've loved as we moved from place to place in the military is the drive to our new destination... seeing places I've never been before while anxiously anticipating our new area. I'll never forget our drive from Tennessee to northern Virginia via the Smokey Mountains. That was an amazing drive.
So, Sunday morning we were all packed up and ready to make the 14 hour drive in our itty-bitty Toyota Corolla. It was filled to the brim. I should have taken a picture of my mom too, since she was such a big part of our last 6 weeks.
Um, yeah. The drive on I-80 through the lone and dreary wilderness of Nevada left much to be desired. We saw a sign for a rest stop which indicated that the next one wouldn't be for another 114 miles. So, we decided it was best to stop, and this was it. Two disgusting holes in the ground and I couldn't get Em to go in there for the life of her. She was scared and this time I actually didn't think she was overreacting.
A park where we stopped for a picnic on the way...

I'm not sure if these clips work, but we spent the night in Gardnerville, NV at Aunt Buffie and Uncle Brian's house. Unfortunately I'm a moron and didn't get a picture of them. But they are the nicest people and I never knew that Brian has quite the green thumb! He showed us all his vegetable plants and he was busy making pizza sauce from home grown tomatoes. We ate his homemade bread and he sent us on our way with homemade pear sauce.

The next day we drove over the formidable Sierra Mountains, and also got stuck behind this truck of hay going 15 mph up the mountain.
A view from the top

More beautiful landscape

Unfortunately, this was my fate on the trip, stuck in the back between the two girls trying to keep them happy. I don't know if this pic adequately portrays just how cramped I was. I had to sit at a diagonal with one shoulder pinned behind the car seat. Ben absolutely refused to sit back there...

And finally, we arrived Monday mid-afternoon.

Our super cute neighborhood
And the girls, super excited to be in our new but empty house! Stay tuned to read more about our new place


  1. Marinda,

    We are SO excited for you guys!!! It is so fun to see the pictures and to read your updates. I am anxious to see and hear how things go in beautiful California. Pozdrowienie od Polski!

  2. Road trip!! love it. That picture really does show how cramped you are in between those two cute girls. Good luck in Monterey! Sounds like a pretty awesome place.

  3. This car scene looks so familiar! I always end up getting smashed between two car seats in the back. I am constantly reminding Steve that he is getting the better end of the deal by driving the whole way. Before we had kids, you never wanted to be the one driving the whole time. I almost don't remember what it was like to sit in the passenger seat and alternate between taking naps, reading books, and stuffing my face with non-kidlike snacks. Ahhh, if only I had known how simple life was.
