Part of the fun of moving to a new place is discovering all the great things the place has to offer. Casa Verde beach is not too far from our house... we went with our neighbors the Browns.

One thing I love about our neighborhood is all the playgrounds...

Caroline is fearless... she goes to the highest top slide and throws herself off every time. She's so light weight she goes flying down the slide.

Em refuses to go down the slide without Caroline and me, so lucky me I get in on all the fun too.
A couple weeks ago we went for a Sunday drive down Highway 1 to Big Sur. This is a picture of the highway we drove down (I got it off the internet).

We got about this far when we realized we were almost out of gas. Our trusty GPS (refer to my earlier entry) told us there weren't any gas stations for another 20 miles, so we turned around and headed back to Carmel 10 miles back from where we just came. While Ben was filling up the car I noticed a rather good looking guy come out of the store and get into the vehicle right next to ours. He was sporting some tattoos and looked really ripped. Then Ben came out all excited, "Mindy Girl! Did you see who that was? It's that one famous guy... Colin, shoot I can't remember his last name!" "Colin Farrell?" "Yeah! That's him!" Even though Ben initially couldn't remember his name, he swore on his life it was him. So, we pulled out of the gas station and headed back down the highway and he followed right behind us! It was sweet. This is the picture I took from the back of our car. That's him driving the SUV! So, yeah, for like 30 miles Colin Farrell got to stare at the back of my sweet 1999 teal Toyota Corolla.

A picture of the handsome guy driving behind us. Isn't he dreamy? Almost as dreamy as my Benny Boy.

A few miles down the road we found Pfeiffer Beach... the pictures make it look more fun than it was.... it was cold!!

We were just playing on the beach and again, some lady went out of her way to come over and insist on taking a picture of us. It's hilarious. Really, though, the people here are so nice and laid back. So different from when we lived on the east coast.

the more pictures you post of Monterrey the more I want to come visit! I'm glad the people are friendly. Your Colin Farrell experience is awesome! Be sure to let me know if you ever see Ryan Reynolds. hehe. :)
ReplyDeleteAll of it looks fun! Especially the part where you got followed by a famous hottie.
ReplyDeleteAlthough, I'm kind of surprised you didn't write my name in the sand too.