As you can see, Em really got into character this year. Can't you tell how enthused she is about dressing up?

I couldn't get them to smile for the life of me... but they did spot a plane.

There it is!

And there it goes!

Soooo excited to go trick-or-treating, can't you tell?

Finally, a smile. She spotted a little girl dressed as Cookie Monster.

This is what they were looking at... our neighborhood was jumpin' on Halloween night.

Ben got really into pumpkin carving. Typical Ben. No hearts or kitten faces for his pumpkin.
Polish version

Our neighborhood had some quite grisly displays. This one was awesome.

And some houses really got into it

It took the girls about ten minutes to get from one house to another. They were painfully slow.

C would just want to eat each piece of candy as it was given to her

More creative yards

And back at home, you can see how sugar affects these two girls differently.