We had an early Turkey Day with Ben's family, but first I must mention Benny Boy's b-day on November 7. He doesn't look a day older than 25, does he?

Then it was off to Kansas to see Ben's family.
He really has a remarkable family.... all four sons are serving in the military. Joe just got back from a year tour in Iraq (while his wife and two young ones were here on their own) and Steve came home a few months ago from Afghanistan. Between the boys, they have seven deployments... four to Iraq, two to Afghanistan, and one to Bosnia.

All the Shaha clan including seven grandchildren ages 3 and younger stayed under one roof. It actually worked out quite well, not as crazy as I was anticipating. They are all quite attached to their Grandpa Shaha.

Good turkey and good company

Ben making a dorky face

C stuck to her typical Cheerios... she has no idea what she's missing out on in life (that was a crazy string of prepositions).

Lots of video games and rocking out on guitar and drums (failed to get a picture of that, but a staple at any Shaha gathering).

Lots of bonding time for the grandkids

We also had a family photo shoot... this is just a teaser. Isn't it funny that such a male dominated family who is all about the army, football, rock 'n roll, and action movies have six granddaughters and only one grandson? I just love that.

Trying new hairstyles on C

Decorating sugar cookies was a hit with the girls.

And the lone grandson Jack sports his Grandma's old wig from the college years. Ha!

All the Shaha kids except for Dave and Wendy who had to leave early. Do you like the ushanka hat I'm sporting? Ben got that for me in Moscow. Super cool to wear in Poland but not so super cool to wear in California.

And all good things must come to an end. Ben had to fly back early for school so I flew back on my own with the girls... quite the feat, but we made it thanks in large part to this cute little pull along Grandma gave as an early Christmas present to Em. It was a hit! Thanks Pat and Nancy for all the great food and accommodations! We had a super fun time.
The hat rocks. Flaunt it, Marinda, flaunt it! Looks like a fun trip!