Saturday, September 29, 2012

Say What?

The other day my 4 year old told me I look like a sea lion.  Yep, straight-up, boldfaced honesty.

I have to put it in just a little context. 

Thursday morning at play group we were walking along a wharf where we saw a bunch of sea life.  Em was very excited about this particular large sea lion: 

She exclaimed, "Mom, that is a BIG sea lion!  That is a mommy or a daddy sea lion!  Mom, that sea lion looks like YOU!!!" 

Maybe she was making the connection that since the sea lion's a mommy and I'm a mommy, we must look alike.

But still, she said I look like a 300 lbs. wet pinniped with whiskers. 
It kind of hurt.

So, somewhat insulted but somewhat amused, I shared the quip that night with Benny Boy.  "Yeah, can you believe Em said I looked like a ginormous sea lion?"  I mean, I know my body's changed and all since having children, but really?

Well, tonight when I came home from the RS broadcast, Ben was all pumped to tell me that he had taken the girls to the store and while in the magazine aisle Emily pulled at him, "Dad look!  That one looks like Mommy!"  And this is what she was pointing to:

Ok, all is forgiven.  I guess this was Heavenly Father's way of blessing me for going to the broadcast.  Or we can just conclude that Em is a horrible judge of look-a-likes.  But who can resist such sweetness?


  1. That is too funny. My kids have never revealed any of my look-a-likes, but they are quick to inquire about zits on my face or stains on my clothes or whatever. Gotta love their honesty though.

    And now...I want a chocolate chip cookie.

  2. Marinda- I would definitely have to say you look a heck of a lot more like Keira Knightly than a sea lion. :)

  3. If it makes you feel better, Mara has told me not once but twice in the past week that I look like an elephant. Chad tried to smooth it out by asking her is it because she is so this or that but the only thing she would agree to is because I am so big, and my tummy is so big, just like an elephant.
