Sunday, August 4, 2013

James Dennis Shaha

In case you hadn't heard, we ended up naming our little one 
James Dennis Shaha.  

It was a tough decision.

First he was James, then he was Patrick, then he was Caleb, and then it was back to James. 
Emily was becoming very impatient with us.

James was named after Ben's grandfather, James Henry Shaha.
He just passed away in June.
He was a great man, to say the least.  

Doesn't he just look hardcore?
He was the first Shaha to join the army, starting the family tradition of military service.  He has three sons who have served (at varying lengths) as well as seven grandsons.  
He had a decorated military career, which included being a battery commander in the Korean War and a battalion commander in the Vietnam War.  Doesn't that just sound cool?

Taking command in Veitnam

He was also the first Shaha to join the church when, as a lieutenant with a young family, he opened his door to the missionaries.  He accepted their message whole heartedly and completely changed his lifestyle to become the first Shaha "Mormon."

Serving a mission in Spain in his later years
I just finished watching his funeral that I didn't get to attend.  There were so many inspiring and amusing stories about him.  What a great person to be named after.

James' middle name is in honor of my father, Dennis A Blackburn.  There were so many great things about my dad too... his strong work ethic, his unflinching testimony, his integrity...  
But mostly I wanted to use his name because I just loved him to death. 

So, no pressure, right James?


  1. Love this post! And I love James Dennis :) He is adorable!! Keep up the blogging (if possible as a mother of 3!!) I love hearing your adventures :)

  2. What a GREAT name! (I wish we had some decent names in my family to pass along.)
    He is such a HANDSOME little fella!
