Sunday, May 4, 2014

It's My Party!

Emily turned six last week.  I can't believe I have a six year old! I seriously get emotional if I think about it too long.  Five was great.  Six just seems so much older!  She's not so little anymore :(

Anyway, I decided to take the plunge and throw her a friend birthday party.  I was kind of intimidated with the prospect of hosting a party. They just seem so much more elaborate these days.   

Back in my day a birthday party went something like this:
You delivered invitations to your buddies.  Parents dropped off the kids at the party, almost always at the home of person throwing the party. Games were played.  Presents were opened.  Cake was eaten.  Everyone had a good time.  End of story.  I still remember the classic gift was a box of crayons and a coloring book.  You could always tell.… a flat rectangle wrapped in paper, with a box on top, also wrapped in paper.  I swear, that's what I gave to all my friends.  My mom must have thought it was the best birthday gift ever. 

Anyway, today's parties are more like events.  They have a theme, with expensive or even worse, creative homemade decorations.  It seems like parents by default stay at the party (which means you have to feed them too??),  they're often not held in homes, but venues that cost like a bowling alley, indoor play park, amusement park etc.   And it seems like everyone and their dog is invited… 

Please don't get me wrong, I'm totally fine with people throwing parties like this… Em loves attending them and she's had a great time at them.  But I just can't do it.  I don't have the skills or the confidence or the ambition, or the wherewithal, or what ever it takes.  

So, I just threw my Emily a good old fashioned birthday party like the ones I used to go to.  And it was fabulous!  She invited eight friends, and seven came. 

They played games:

I'm making a very nice face, I know.

And then the real hit was this dress up game we played.  Man, give kids some dress up clothes and you are set!

And then they had a dance off… to one of Em's favorite songs:  All These Things That I've Done.  This was my favorite part of the party.  The kids were so cute! 

Notice, the boys were nowhere to be seen.  No way were they getting in there and dancing with the girls! 

Then presents:


And that's a wrap!  I've officially thrown my child a successful birthday party.  Now that's a reason to celebrate!

*Please don't fret, I asked the parents' permission before posting these pics

1 comment:

  1. That party looks perfect! What's the game where they're touching Emily with a wooden spoon? She looks so grown up! And Caroline is adorable in the middle of all of them.
