Sunday, November 27, 2011

I'm trying really hard not to gloat...

but after a winter in Warsaw I figure I've earned the right

The weather here in Monterey on November 26 is sunny with a high of 72.

The park is crowded

And yes, these people are playing volleyball with their shirts OFF during Thanksgiving weekend.

It sure beats this...
although I'm sure when the June fog rolls in, I'll be missing the beautiful Warsaw summer.
For now I'm completely content with where I am.


  1. I'm sorry... I thought of you over there and wasn't trying to rub it in! We'll be back in Europe before you know it suffering through a freezing dark winter.

  2. I was really trying hard to be positive about having to endure another Iowa winter, and then i came to your blog. Thanks a lot Marinda!

  3. I suppose you have earned the right. Just beautiful.
