Yeah, it's a little late in coming, but oh well.
So, here we are in Germany, the land of the TANNENBAUMS… and look what we went and cut down ourselves in the BLACK FOREST… isn't she a beauty?!
Haha. Just kidding. We got her at the PX. She's fake. Sad, I know, and much less romantic. But oh my goodness, sooooo much easier and less of a hassle. I'm sold.
So I looooved Christmas this year. Christmas in Germany really was magical. The markets that I've written plenty about made the whole month feel so festive. And really, I loved decorating our home. I loved the tree and the soft lighting it gave off. Every night I just wanted to get cozy in the recliner and enjoy the relaxing ambiance. Such a relief that we don't have to move this year! And didn't have to worry about traveling (except for my sister's wedding which I'll eventually get to!).
So, some highlights from the holiday:
Em's kindergarten class charmed the pants off the parents with their Christmas caroling. |
The class received a "special visitor". No, it is NOT Mr. Roach. Why do you ask?
The kids had a farewell party for Mrs. Roach who is retiring midyear… ahhhhh!!!
Christmas Eve Day!! The weather was weirdly warm… no coats at the park
And delivering goodies to the neighbors.
Ok, New Year's diet starts... NOW!
Christmas Eve dinner… hot chocolate and homemade rolls.
We loved lighting our little German pyramid every night and watch the rotating nativity.
And our first ever Ben Shaha Family Christmas Eve Nativity Reenactment. How's that for a mouthful? We actually kind of had enough cast members. Although Ben doubled as Joseph and a shepherd. And I was the narrator and a wiseman.
Emily was Mary. Doesn't she look AMAZING full term?
And Caroline starred as the fairy godmother/Belle/angel. They were more than cooperative in getting their Halloween costumes back out.
And of course you know who James played… he was a natural.
A very drool-y natural.
Christmas morning was a lot of smiling
And a lot of drooling
And slobbering
Hey, leave me alone!
So, there you have it. Christmas Day actually felt a little depressing. I don't know why. Maybe because there's so much hype and then you feel a little disappointed that the gifts don't turn out as AMAZING as you hoped they would be for the kids. I don't know, material things always seem to be a let down. Maybe I missed my family a tad bit, my dad especially. Maybe I was dreading setting my alarm for 3:30 a.m. the next morning to leave my own little family and get on a plane to my sister's wedding. Or all those things combined. But overall, the Christmas season really was wonderful this year, definitely memorable.
Anyone want to come next Christmas?