November was a discouraging month for me. I guess it's part of life… we have highs and lows. November was a low. It started with a heartbreaking death in my extended family, then turmoil and controversy in our church regarding a policy change, then the terrorist attacks in Paris, then discovering I'm pregnant with my fourth (a tad bit overwhelming) and dealing with first trimester fatigue and nausea and emotional imbalances, and then facing the prospect of Thanksgiving with no family… like I'm going to roast a turkey for my little ingrates… yeah right! So, it just kind of made for a blue month.
But then the Christmas decorations and lights and festivities and madness cheered me a bit, even though I was still not feeling well… December felt like a marathon… and now that the holidays and my first trimester are over… things are looking up.
So the last week in October I flew to Utah for my cousin Leanne's husband's funeral. Leanne is my first cousin and is my age… we were always close growing up… when our family would make the semiannual trek to California to see our countless cousins, my mom would ship me off to Leanne's house for days on end. And when she came to Price we always had a grand time. We exchanged letters gabbing about our latest crushes, and I even went with her family on a motorhome trip to Alberta to visit the land of my forefathers. When we went to college we kind of chose different paths… she married young and started a family… and I continued with my education, went on a mission, and married six years later. But we always stayed close.
Anyway, now she has seven children ages 13 to 5 months. The tragedy came when her husband Spencer, whom everyone loved… suddenly and very unexpectedly passed away in an accident up in the canyon at the young age of 39. When my mom called to tell me I was speechless… in complete shock. This family was already going through some pretty serious trials, and I just couldn't fathom that life could be that much more cruel. I knew I had to go to the funeral in Utah, even though it wasn't convenient or easy, but Heavenly Father paved the way for me to be there… SATO was able to get me a flight the day before I was to leave at a rock bottom price… I knew it was meant to be. I just wanted to wrap my arms around her and tell her how very sorry I was.
One of the few pictures I took on my short trip. |
And now it is past midnight and I didn't even get to anything else… I only meant to write a small paragraph about this, but oh well. Next time I'll fill you in on our trip to Berlin! That was interesting. Until then, Tschuss!
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