Sunday, June 5, 2011

Sorry for the lull in blogging about our everso exciting life. You see, Caroline pulled the computer off the arm of the couch (under Ben's care once again) and the monitor is broken. So, I can't post any of the photos from it until it gets fixed. It's pretty annoying to use our ancient desktop and blog without any pictures or without spellcheck. Like, is spellcheck one word or two? And is everso even a word?
In any case, I forgot to tell you where my sister got called on her mission and I'm sure you've all been losing sleep over it. She's going to La Salsa (or is it Salta?) Argentina.
And we just said good-bye to Ben's parents who were with us for two weeks... It was a blast to have them here and we were sad to see them go. We had lots of fun adventures and pictures are pending...


  1. I really have been wondering where Mary was going! Thanks for finally letting us know!! :) Sorry about your computer. Dang it Caroline!! You should post where all 8 of you and your siblings served missions. That's pretty cool that Mary will make 8 for 8.

  2. Agree that was a bad day for your computer--I'm still doing pushups in pennance, for allowing the Gozarian to move faster than both Ben and I. I posted some of the photos on our blog if you want to check them out. Thanks again for about the greatest vacation we've ever had!
    Love, Pat
