Sunday, February 5, 2012

Lemon Tree

Check out this lemon tree we bought at Home Depot... that's right... HOME DEPOT! Never seen a lemon tree at Home Depot, but I suppose it makes sense here. I didn't go there to buy a lemon tree per se, but when I saw it I decided why not? I mean, where else am I ever going to have a lemon tree in my backyard? Chances are not in Poland. Plus, check out all those lemons that came with the tree!

Ben digging the hole

My little gardening assistant

And the lemon bars were gone before I got a chance to take a picture. If anyone has any great ideas for the use of lemons, send them my way!


  1. Um... I like lemons to put in my diet coke. You should try it. Also I don't know if I told you this already or not but I really like your new blog lay out. And I love you. And miss you! I'm trying to figure out a way to make it out there in April to visit you!
