Sunday, February 16, 2014

Hide the Thimble

Sometimes the best things in life are the simplest and least expensive.  Take Hide the Thimble for example.  Why do I spend money on games for my girls when this one doesn't cost a dime and it is their favorite?  I have fond memories of playing it with my family as a small child. I don't know why kids get such a kick out of it, but my girls could play it forever.  So I thought I'd share it with you.

You take a small object, such as a thimble, and one person hides it while everyone else is in another room.  Then everyone comes out and looks for it.  Whoever finds it gets to hide it.  The only rule is it has to be visible… like no hiding it under a couch cushion or something.  Oh, and whoever hides it says "hot" and "cold" to help the searchers.

And I am slightly embarrassed to be showcasing our messy house, but on Sunday I reserve the right to keep the Sabbath Day holy, so yeah, I don't really do any housework.  

The girls are hilarious when we play.  Whenever C hides the thimble, she makes such a racket like opening and slamming cabinet doors that she gives away the location before you come out.  And if you don't find it within the first ten seconds she gets so excited that she gravitates to it and keeps glancing at it and laughs and eventually points to it exclaiming, "There it is!"  

It's a really easy activity to do for FHE. 

1 comment:

  1. Ricky and Deborah loved finding the thimble. We played this a few months ago with Emery and it was so fun. We'll have to play soon!
