Sunday, March 18, 2012

I'm Threeeeee!!

So, C's not really three.  It's just what she exclaims when people ask her how old she is.  Her second birthday was on Friday.  And no one has been anticipating this day with more excitement than her older sister Emily.  It's been quite exasperating to answer her questions all day every day about Caroline's birthday and her birthday (April 29).  I'll say, "Emily, your birthday is not for another six weeks!"  And she'll respond, "Noooo.  It's in four days because I'm going to turn four.  And Caroline's birthday is in two days because she's going to turn two."  I finally had to pull out the calendar and show her that her b-day was in 47 days.  She walked away with a deflated look on her face. Poor thing. 

Anyway, while at the grocery store with the girls earlier this week I found these birthday cake candles and they have latched onto them like they are the best things since their beloved blankies.  They both insist on taking them in the car, sleeping with them, etc. Who would have figured?  My friend said I should just wrap them up and call it good for their b-day gifts.

Em sleeping with her b-day candle

Her candle has earned the same status as Elmo.  And that's saying something!

So the rest of these pictures are actually taken on C's b-day.  We went to Target to do a little last minute shopping.  I know I've given my mom a hard time about making me go out in public with curlers, and here I am doing the same thing.  But then again, C's not in the first grade.  She got a lot of adoring comments from complete strangers.  It was fun.

We decorated cupcakes at home

C mostly just ate the m&ms

This is the finished product... a representation of our family.  I made the first one, it's supposed to be me (at Em's request) and Em made the rest... Ben, herself, and Caroline.  Pretty awesome.

I made Ben participate and he created these ones of his daughters.  Sorry, I'm lame and can't figure out how to rotate it.

Our awesome neighbors came over to help celebrate and wish C a happy b-day

Her new ride

We went outside for about five minutes in the nasty wind and rain.  Poor C will probably always have nasty weather for her b-days.

Caroline is such a blessing in our lives.  The size of her physical body vs. the size of her energy and zest for life are completely disproportional.  It's funny to watch this little peanut move 100 miles an hour.  She is loaded with personality, is cheerful and happy (except when she first wakes up... definitely not a morning person)  and a little daredevil who loves to climb, jump off the couch, ottoman, her dad, etc.  She talks a ton, but is often incomprehensible... kind of reminds me of Donald Duck sometimes.  Em serves as her faithful interpreter.  They have such a sweet little relationship (when Em is not swiping toys from her).  C wants to make Em happy and is quick to share with her.  They love to chase each other.  When Em is sad or crying C shows concern and empathy.  And the very best thing about sweet Caroline is that she is a total mama's girl!  She prefers me to ANYONE else in the world and is very affectionate with me... snuggling and cuddling to her heart's content.  I love it!


    I LOVE that all they needed in life was a GOOD NUMBER CANDLE!
    Cute Cupcakes!!

  2. Mindy I cannot believe that you make Caroline go out in curlers! That is hilarious/ totally hypocritical. That being said, she does look adorable.
