Wednesday, August 8, 2012

A Child's Prayer

They say no two kids are alike, and that definitely applies to my daughters:

Listening to their nightly prayers will give you an insight into their different personalities:

Emily's prayer at meal time or bed time NEVER varies... she sounds a little military-ish, like she's giving orders.

Heavenly Father
Thank you for this day.  Please bless we'll have a good night sleep.  Thank you for the food.  Please bless Nana and Baba and Grandma and Grandpa.  Please bless Mary on her mission.  In the name of Jesus Christ Amen.

 That is it, verbatim.

We have explained countless times that she can use a little variety... we've given her plenty of ideas and phrases she can try out, but NOPE.  This is her prayer and she's sticking to it.  She'd make a great Catholic.

Emily:  Life's no joke

Then there's Caroline's prayer.  Tonight her prayer went something like this (imagine listening to a high-pitched irresistibly cute voice):

Thank you for this day
Thank you for the rooster
Thank you for the pig
Thank you for the horse
Thank you for the sheep
Thank you for the letters
Thank you for the numbers
Thank you for Jesus
Thank you for the stars
Thank you for the lights
Thank you for Jesus
Thank you for the sandals
Thank you for the sing-along songs
Thank you for the dvd player
Thank you for the blankie
Thank you for Jesus (she really said it three times!)
Thank you for eating (ironic)
Thank you for...

and you get the idea.

When she'd pause I would prompt..."In the name of Jesus Christ..."  "No!  I'm praying!"  she'd snap back at me and then continue on in her high-pitched innocent voice.  Hey, at least she's one grateful girl!
Total Mama's girl, through and through


  1. SO CUTE!!
    I wish my kids were more like that!
    They sound more like Emily's prayer...But, SHORTER!!
    Little STINKS aren't thankful for much!!

  2. Oh my goodness I'm laughing out loud at this post. I want to hear her prayers! Maybe on the cruise?!?
