Sunday, November 18, 2012

This video is for all to enjoy, but is especially for my dear friend Kat, one of the five people who check this blog.  The other day I was delighted to find in the mail a little package from Kat.  In it was a whoopee cushion, which brought a smile to my face.  You see, Kat was my sophisticated college roommate years ago, and we liked to play pranks with said whoopee cushion.  Lots of good memories. So, here are my daughters getting the biggest kick out of it.  Thank you Kat, for enlightening them.  This clip will be sure to brighten your day.  Plus it's under a minute.  


  1. Does it reflect poorly on my maturity level that your little girls get the same level of entertainment out of the whoopie cushion that I do? Oh well. I'm not ashamed. Thanks for sharing the truly did brighten my day.

  2. haha so awesome! You have to bring it to the Shaha Christmas Marinda!

  3. That was awesome! Can't help but smile when you see stuff like that! Your girls are getting so big. Time sure does fly.
